If at any time you experience a problem or need support, we are here to help. Most technical questions can be answered over the phone; however, in the unlikely event a problem does arise that cannot be solved by phone, with your approval, we are committed to having a technician on site within 48 hours. Our mission is to provide you with exceptional customer service and support throughout the lifetime of your equipment. After hours, technical phone support is available.
When You call
In order to provide the best service, we will need to know your organization name and a description of the system for which you need help. In addition, please compile the following information so that we can help you the most effectively.
Description of the problem, and specifics about where it is occurring, and how frequently.If the problem is a computer problem or software problem, please be ready to provide specific computer hardware and software version information.Think about any other information that might help us isolate your problem.